A Quick Check In

Dear Blog, I haven't forgotten about you!  ... okay, maybe I forgot about you a little bit.

Since I last checked in, I have knit a couple of Christmas ornaments (like this one) for craft swaps - I forgot to take pics of the first one, but I will post a quick pic of the second one later.  I also traveled to San Diego to visit my mother for Thanksgiving and I started another pair of Jaywalker socks on the plane - I haven't done anything with them since I got home though.  Finally, I have worked a tiny bit on the baby blanket.  I need to really buckle down with that one - the baby is coming soon!!  I haven't done any more work on the wine bottle tote, nor have I attempted to locate the Happy Reindeer, as I promised I would in my last post... d'oh!  Oh, and Scott's scarf?  Yeah, that's going nowhere fast.

In other news, my etsy shop is on fire this holiday season!!  Yay!!

And there is my quick check in!  I'll be back soon!

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