Weekend Forecast: 100% Chance of Me Knitting

I'm making excellent progress on the Sugar Maple Shawl.  I am about halfway through knitting the body of the shawl then after that will come the long process of knitting the ruffle for the shawl, but I'd say I'm at least 30% through with the project.

I really want to focus on that this weekend because it absolutely positively must be finished in a month.  But I'm tempted to work on some other projects as well.  After all, all work and no play makes Pepper a dull girl... right?

I love to marathon TV shows while I knit and I have recently become quite obsessed with the Gilmore Girls, but that was at the expense of abandoning Star Trek: Voyager with only two episodes left!  So, I think I will try to finish up Voyager this weekend while working on the shawl.  But, I'm behind on Bones which I've got on Hulu Plus, so I may watch that.  Then again, season two of the Carrie Diaries just came up on Netflix...  so it's really anyone's game at this point.

Sorry this was a bit of a useless post, as you know, I am obligated to post every day for the rest of the month, so sometimes it's gotta be just me yammering on about what TV shows I plan to watch over the weekend.  Thank you for hanging in there, dear reader!
